
What are Rubrics?

Blackboard Rubrics help you evaluate student work consistently and objectively by listing evaluation criteria for any given assignment or gradable Discussion Board posting, Wiki page, Journal, or Blog entry in Blackboard.

  • When you allow students access to rubrics before they complete their work, you provide transparency into your grading methods.
  • Rubrics can help students understand the instructor’s expectations and meet the requirements of an assignment, while faculty can use rubrics to provide detailed feedback to students in an efficient manner.
  • During grading, as scores and feedback are entered into a Rubric they are also automatically reflected in the Grade Center, which becomes a considerable time saver. 

More information about rubrics [PDF] [DOC]

More information about Creating Effective Writing Assignments

How to get started?

Note: Please note that we will gladly assist you with any of these steps.

How to Score Your Assignment using the AAC&U Rubric

Video recording of the workshop by Cindy Lobel and Jessica Yood on October 21, 2016


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